13 May 2016 Spiekerz jeans
Spiekerz is a new clothing brand. Jeans, sweatpants and what else might come along will be added in the future, especially for tall, thin teenagers who can not succeed in the regular store. In other words: Jeans for tall skinny teens.
In Twente (Area I live) a long skinny person is also called a spieker. As a born and raised tukker this seems to be a suitable name to me.
A week and a half ago my new Juki stitching machine was delivered. Today, after some adjustments due to my long legs, the new lock machine arrived. The first test jeans are in a bucket with soapwater to see if they give off any dye and the first sweatpants are lying next to the lock to be sewn.
Spiekerz is going to have its own spot at https://mirandasornaments.com
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